
This pic was taken some years ago now, when I had just parked my car in a parking zone, so I could walk round the perimeter of Lancaster Castle to take some photos, as I walked away from the car this sleek, immaculate McLaren pulled up behind me to park, the gullwing doors opened upwards and this middle aged couple climbed out to look at the Castle, they seemed to be tourists. Never having seen one of these before, I approached and asked if they would mind me taking a photo of the car, they were quite happy about it, which resulted in this photo, taken against a fussy background of the castle walls and a load of autumn whilst it WAS taken some time ago I did at least select it and processed it today, on my own background to show what a colourful beauty it was. Today's price would be £180,000 UK pounds, so the two of them had to be worth a few quid, at least:)

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