SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

Chapters old and new.

Today was my last day at my temp role and was such a lovely morning to finish on. I had my handover with my manager / mother in law (lol long story!) and she surprised me with a lovely bouquet of flowers from the team, bottle of wine and a card signed by the teams I worked in! Really lovely words and was such a lovely gesture.

I was initially hired to help on an admin project for 2 months over the Summer, which turned into 7 months on different projects! It really was a great little role to have and I am sad to leave, but that chapter is finished and ready to start the next one.

The next chapter is college! It was the college Christmas party tonight and about 150 people turned out to the event. Ive only been teaching on these courses since September and only know a handful of people, yet everyone made me welcome and had some great conversations with people.

As I left I had a few uplifting conversations and comments made to me about my work and I was thrilled that it has made a difference and that I am settling into the team well.

Working alongside the few hours that I do at college, I will be focussing my spare time 100% to my business. Next year I want to do about 20 weddings and start building up that side again. Lots of hard work required, but 2013 is going to be an awesome year!

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