Five things

By fivethings

Oh, what a world we live in.

1. Hosting my first project meeting as producer. Big moment.

2. Thinking I was a little late but ending up early.

3. Using that spare moment to book a very important appointment.

4. A stonker of a meeting led by Colin with the O Street boys. I mean really, really good. This is the table we sat round. A quick pint with Adam and Eve after.

5. And then it's time to meet Douglas to enjoy our Christmas present. And enjoy it we do. Rufus Wainright, you are glorious and I love you. Ace night. Best gig at the academy, best I've seen Rufus, great to spend time with Douglas and a hoot and a half in the Star Bar after wearing the wig Rufus threw into the crowd. I'm applauding today.

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