
By Livingandloving

Held her longer

Tonight......I held this person a little longer......I looked in her eyes, and wept. How could someone ever intend on hurting such precious souls, I'll never understand. Tonight....I simply can not imagine the grief......the pain.....the utter dispair in the hearts of the families of the beautiful children of Connecticut so needlessly slain today.

I was spared the grief of knowing what happened today until many, many hours after it happened. I was fortunate enought to spend the majority of my day celebrating the coming of Christmas, and spreading joy and appreciation for those we work with. I was able to fetch my child safely from school, and happily stop by the library where I took this shot. My girl was skipping along ahead of me as I called to her to be safe. She stopped, turned and looked at me. I am forever grateful that she is safe....and sound.....and dreaming happy little dreams.

In our time of dispair, it is my hope that we, as a a world can remember to be the light in the darkness. To show the love, and compassion. To embrace our friends, and family. To reach out to those we meet. To put down our phones, laptops, and ipads, and fully connect with those around us. Be aware......offer help....offer love. There is so much mental illness in our world. So many people who feel lost....helpless....hopeless....and angry. We must be part of the solution. Our children are counting on us.

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