View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts


This is another view of Quinag taken from the road at Unapool. A visit to Inverness today as Hubby had an appointment at the hospital. I left him at the hospital at 3.45pm and told him to meet me in the cafe as I wanted to go and do a bit of shopping. I went into the new Denholms to have a look round and found two pieces of material that would make some curtains for the bedrooms. The windows in the croft house are not very big so a meter and a half of each was enough and at just over £8 for both I thought was a good bargain. I arrived back at the hospital at 5.30pm and could not find him. He wasn't in the Cafe where we had arranged and I had forgot to put my phone on and when I looked there was four missing calls so I phoned him and his phone was switched off. I was in quite a panic as to where he had gone to and why he hadn't just waited for me. I phone call to #2 daughter was no help so I went back into the hospital checked the area where I had left him and the doors were locked. Well! What now? There was a receptionist at the entrance so I asked her for help and finally she found him and said he was just finished and was walking along the corridor. Was I glad to see him. Panic over.

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