seeing stars

The weather brightened up again to day, it was pleasant, sunny, and I had some beach shots lined up after a walk at Owenahincha this morning.

But this evening the boy is here and he wanted to go out with the camera and tripod and try photographing the stars.
He had great fun with the slow shutter speeds and the torch and the fast moving clouds. He decide he would choose today's blip and this is his favourite shot. The orange sky must come from the street lights from nearby town, though they dont normally seem so bright.
Next time we'll drive out somewhere and try it with less light pollution.

The high point of the night was seeing a massive shooting star which went from east to west across the horizon. And we both could swear that we heard it go by.
Later we looked it up and found that, though unlikely, its not impossible that we did in fact hear it .
The boy hadnt seen one before so that made his night.
Typically though, it appeared in the instant before I had pressed the shutter ..

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