The Boy And His Board
Completely inseparable, even in the cold.
In other news, what a fucking dark day for this country. Incomprehensible and utterly, utterly tragic.
I don't agree with Mayor Bloomberg on everything, but today, I agree with his every word. It's not too early to talk gun change, it's actually too late.
"With all the carnage from gun violence in our country, it's still almost impossible to believe that a mass shooting in a kindergarten class could happen. It has come to that. Not even kindergarteners learning their ABC's are safe. We heard after Columbine that it was too soon to talk about gun laws. We heard it after Virginia Tech. After Tucson and Aurora and Oak Creek. And now we are hearing it again. For every day we wait, 34 more people are murdered with guns. Today, many of them were five-year olds."
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