View from the window

Bit of a confusing start to the day, as a result of trying to do things which needed doing but interfered with my morning routine. I don't have to have muesli every morning; or porridge. I can alternate, or even randomly pick one or the other. Except that, I soak the whole grain oats overnight. If I haven't done that there is only muesli for breakfast.

Throw in the task of ensuring that the photo I took of mother-in-law (where she was watching her grand daughter's commitment ceremony), was as good as I could make it. suddenly everything was happening at the wrong time in the wrong way. The porridge didn't quite stick to the bottom of the pot; but it was close. The manuka honey and berries were added, and I not only had breakfast as well as doing the extra tasks, and still got away to work at an okay time.

I took this photo from the window of the office I now have. The sun was still low and bright enough to reflect off the Sky Tower.

An interesting "Grand Round" session today. One registrar presented her reading around internet gaming. She talked about the developments which produce mega incomes for the sellers of these online games, and reported that the income is earned. It is not earned in my opinion, it is taken from people who often can ill afford it. And our society continues to not put any time, effort, and certainly not money, into helping our citizens prosper. 

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