
By AlrightFlower

To do...

I have a 'To Do' list which grows longer by the day. Today there were two work To Do's which I thought would be easily manageable in 7 hours. Yes? No. To Do number 1 took far longer than I'd estimated - until 3.30 this afternoon to be precise. I'd done some small bits in between whilst waiting for input from other people, but by 3.30 I'd almost lost the will to live, and the thought off starting To Do number 2 and breaking off after half an hour - or working late on a Friday night - really didn't appeal! So I did my dishes, chatted a bit then tootled off home.

The slushy ice (icy slush?) had - thank goodness - all gone by 4pm. Getting out of the village and into a parking space was pretty dicey this morning, as was the walk from the car to the office. I planned to wear my trusty Doc Martens - I could walk anywhere in them with confidence - but remembered as I got out of the car that I'd left them by the front door d'oh!

Tonight's task was one I've been putting off for months, and it's starting to stress me out a bit... This is my Christmas card making stash. And this is as far as I've got in making this year's Christmas cards. So much for the plan to start in October so I'd have plenty of time. Christmas in January anyone??


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