Quite a Plight for the Bright White Knight

"I will not leave my station,
I will not take to flight.
I'll just sit here looking pretty,
in the shimmering sunlight."

" I love being the center of attention,
I love being in the limelight.
So I'll just sit here looking pretty,
in the shimmering sunlight."

"My beak is orange and knotty,
and I have a slight overbite.
But that doesn't keep me from looking good...
in the shimmering sunlight."

"I'm so much prettier than the browns,
with my whiteness and my height.
They do not glisten like I do...
in the shimmering sunlight."

I'd had enough of the bragging bird,
I wanted him to simmer down.
I turned off my camera and walked away,
and drove back into town.

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