Ice Cold with Alexa!
Always a tad disconcerting when the daily call to Wee Maw and Paw is answered by our niece, Bash!
"Hi Bash, how are you?"
In the background a female voice can be heard...…. speaking French.
"Who was that?"
"Who was what?"
A Spanish female can now be heard.
"Are you sure everything's okay?"
"Well kinda!"
The voice in the background is now speaking Italian.
"Is your dad there with you?"
"Oh aye but he's having trouble setting up Alexa for Gran and Grandpa!"
"ALEXA...………….. for Wee Maw and Paw???"
"Aye...……….. I know!"
Two octogenarians, one profoundly deaf, that are scared to press the red button on the telly remote in case they blow something up!
I hope it's got a Scottish language setting!!
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