Return to the North

By Viking

Memories and mum

We went to my aunts for Sunday dinner today. L is my mum’s youngest sister and had been having a sort through of one of her wardrobes when she came Cross this school photo from a local newspaper.
The photo is from 1948 and was published in the newspaper in 2008! She gave us it and asked who was on the photo. We both immediately found my mum (although they had got the wrong daughters name in the blurb underneath ) Mum is the second girl from the left on the back row.
I took a shot of the article and flicked it to my brother with the same question - he picked her out too with the added statement ‘Just look for Andrea’ (my sis and Dimbledorian) because she is the absolute spit of my mum :-)))
Made us all smile and helps us all remember that she is still within all of us :-)

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