#2 Held - Holy Other

Album: Held
Artist: Holy Other

One line synopsis: Elegiac, slowed down instrumental R&B.

Best Track: Love Some1


Don't be put off by the mention R&B in the synopsis, this release sits firmly in the electronica camp. The waves of synths, down tempo beats and vocal snippets lend it a heavy weight of sadness. It's a mood that envelopes you and everybody knows that sad tunes are the best tunes.


Notes on the top 10:
* Yes I am sad enough to do a top 10 every year
* All albums must have been released this year
* I must own the physical copy of each of them
* I'm fairly sure there are other albums out there that would make this list had I got round to buying them - Grizzly Bear, Andy Stott and Scott Walker spring to mind
* full countdown tagged nstop102012
* click through to see last year's top 10

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