
By NellieD

A bridge over troubled waters

I was walking to my crochet/knit group this morning and realised it's been a while since I've seen the street so empty on a Saturday. It wasn't particularly early, about 9.40 am, but perhaps the wind and rain kept people away. However, if you're part of my group, 43 of them braved the weather to make sure they got their weekend craft/chat/coffee fix! They're very committed.

Just below the glass tunnel/walkway was the site of the IRA bomb in 1996. A lorry containing a 1500 kg bomb exploded injuring 200 people and damaging 1200 properties on 43 streets. Although the city was devastated by the bomb, many believe it was the catalyst for regeneration.

I clearly remember being stood in a phone box trying to tell work that I couldn't get through the police cordon and no-one believing me! Then I heard - and felt - the explosion and we all hit the deck where we stood!

Quote for today:
There is a light at the end of every tunnel. 
Some tunnels just happen to be longer than others.
- Ada Adams

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