
By weewilkie

The church of St Michael and All Angels

For the first time in over a year I headed down to Hexham to visit my dear friends. Storm Freya was threatening to keep us indoors but we somehow managed to cheat the weather and get a walk in pleasant sunshine. Ahh to be out along the Tyne hoping to see some early Sand Martins diving along the sandbank, to feel the sun, to inhale the awesome blossom radiating from tree to tree. Out with a friend who has been with me through many many changes in my life. Times when life was good, times when my life seemed as crumbly and unstable as the sandbanks on the far river. Times when it just flowed like the water.
We walked to a Saxon church built in 740. A cross (pictured) from the 7th cenutry. Touching the soft sand stone and feeling time's rub, its grain. Feeling the touch of friendship by my side, the ease of our company. Yes the sun found us alright. Older, none the wiser really, but still in one another's company after all these years.

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