Just Charlie
I've been playing with the ISO on the D850, trying to see how high I am comfortable pushing it. This was taken at ISO 1600, but then I had to lighten it in LR so that added some digital noise. So, although this much noise would not be acceptable to me, I'm thinking it is more a function of the editing than in the ISO. More tests to follow.
In the meantime, since I hadn't gotten outside with the camera, I decided that a blip of Charlie, converted to sepia-toned mono, would be a perfect image for today.
We have had Charlie almost 4 years - hard to believe. He is such a big part of our family now that it's hard to remember the scared cat we brought home in 2015. Even Phoebe has come to consider him part of the family - although that took far longer than any of us envisioned. Anyway, here's to Charlie, our forever cat.
Sorting through tax issues at the moment - never fun. And the garage door-opener has suddenly stopped working so that needs to be assessed. A fair amount of stress today, so a trip to the gym felt good. I predict another tomorrow...
Cheers and here's to a great weekend in Blip-land.
PS: And, yes, the hoards of grackles are still hanging around, eating everything in sight. None of the snow from last weekend has melted because it's been so bloody cold, so I expect grackles for a while longer.
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