
By pandieb


I love magnolias but their flowers are so short lived. The ones on this tree only came out early this week and already many of them have dropped. By next week when I next walk past it will probably be bare.

A day of elderly parent issues today. Not that I was doing much except providing (remote) support and the odd web search for phone numbers but J has spent the day on calls to her GP, dentist, social services and Age UK, plus a chat with her local community police team who pop on to see her every so often. We now have a plan for the next few weeks at least which gives everyone time to decide what next. There is nothing really wrong except old age, anxiety and loneliness, which are all distressing in their own right and combined are creating a perfect storm.

On a positive note an ex colleague called this afternoon and asked if I had any work for him. I do, and in what must be the quickest interview ever he's starting next month.

I'm off to celebrate International Womens Day with my WI friends later. Watch out boys, we're going out out.

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