Morecambe Bay (grey)

My weekends with the kids have altered in a small but significant way now that Abi works in the afternoons; I suddenly have four hours to myself at home. Somehow, more than any other bit of my week, this really feels time that I can do what I want with, so this week I pootled around a bit in the music room, which was very enjoyable if not particularly productive. 

In the afternoon, Dean came up from Blackpool and we drove down to Morecambe together to pick up Dan from work. I needed to go to the tip first, which closes at five but as Dan doesn't finish until half past, Dean and I had a little time on our hands, so at Best Bank we turned down next to the sea.

The weather was not photo-friendly, sadly, and the rain was lashing down, so I pulled up in the car park, put the window down and took a photo from inside the car.

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Finished my fourth book of the year, ‘Matter’ by Iain M Banks. I was on the plane when I finished my last book so I had to choose something to read next that was already on my Kindle. I’ve read this Culture novel at least twice before - certainly when I bought it and when IMB passed away - but for some reason I enjoyed it much more this time. Incidentally, I couldn’t work out why it was taking so long to read and then I got the hard copy off the shelf to take a photo for Instagram: it's a big book!

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