Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Dreich day turns magical

By 11 am this morning I had swum 20 lengths, done the washing, ironing, written several Christmas cards (which included a resume of the year), and been to college had my porridge. I also wrote to the chap who ran the 'Portrait Workshop'. Just making a few polite suggestions.

Don't know about you, but I'm amazed. Mind you, Mums the world over probably do ten times that much every single day and don't even mention it...

Swimming was busy. There was a Great Big Man in the Slow Lane today. And he took up most of the width of the lane. Either he didn't realise, or he didn't care. My ploy was to wait till he took off up the middle, then follow him, so that I wouldn't have to meet him. But invariably, he'd be coming back down when I was about two thirds of the way. And I had to get out of the way. I was glad when he eventually went to the Fast Lane.

Still not feeling inclined to do more lengths. I'm jiggered by the time I do those ones. I asked one girl as she got out - she'd done 100! That'll be me in a month or two! Not.

I went into town to look for some holographic paper - I've been reading how useful it is for fiddling around with and as backgrounds. Didn't find any. But did find some reindeer in St Andrews Square. Went to my club to get out of the melee for a while. Decided not to venture into the free-for-all that is the St James Centre, although I probably could have got the paper there - I ran out of stamina.

Settled on this Christmas tree shot. The thing about dreich days in winter in a city, is that they usually turn into magical evenings, with grey skies transformed, twinkling lights and reflections on the pavements.

I've bought the winning ticket in the Euro lottery. I feel it in my bones. Or is that just the arthritis...

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