Gotta Believe What I say

For the lasts couple of months I have been bombarded with an advert on Social Media for a cleaning product which looked quite frankly impossible. 

However, at the weekend when I was karchering i gazed at the filthy oven door and rubbed a bit and made a little hole in the dirt and just basically felt too exhausted to carry on.  

I mean how do other people keep their bloody ovens clean.  it's horrific. So I shut the door and left it. .

And then I ordered the magic spray. 

It arrived today, I was shocked.   I only ordered it on Sunday. 
I got it home 

We opened the door - sprayed the spray. 

and waited the alloted three minutes. 

and then rubbed. 

Ta Da. 

We now have a clean inside of the glass. 

Now I just got to work out how to get the glass out of the oven and clean the bit in the inside. 

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