Emergency blip this evening!

I am tired so here is the photo I took this afternoon when I had taken my friend to the Garden Centre for a coffee and cake. 
I have begun to take a notebook with me to try and help her to recall certain things, which I write down for her.  
I asked her to tell me her address today. 
She can remember parts of it, but not the whole thing.
I asked her the house number............no idea.......
But she did remember the name of the road, so I asked her to tell me the letters to write.
It takes such a lot of effort for her, but when I wrote the first one, she then could tell me what came next. This was encouraging to her.  
She likes to try remembering things now, which is progress from a year ago.
Her two daughters are still taking it in turns each week, to drive up from London on a Friday, and go back late on Sunday. They both work and have young children. 
  The rest of the week their mum is at home on her own, with ready made meals provided by them plus the shopping and laundry done, able to look after herself physically but unable to go out as she would not know how to use public transport, nor manage money, as she cannot remember the values. 
     Strokes are cruel. 
How long this is sustainable for the two daughters is up to them to decide. Tough choices will eventually need to be made.  

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