There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

The Gift of Good Light

"To love beauty is to see light." - Victor Hugo

A frosty December morning. Bitter cold. The front porch steps creak beneath my feet. One of my first thoughts: "I'll bet the mist is rising over Spring Creek near the covered bridge." Just enough time to fit in a quick 15-minute photo shoot before work. So off I go!

I arrive at Spring Creek Park before the sun, just in time to watch the first yellow light crest Mount Nittany and enter the valley. The sun lights up the bridge, the creek; the mist is rising. The gift of good light: everything is golden.

I am grateful to be alive, to be here to see this, to have my camera, to be able to capture this moment.

This photo marks my anniversary on Blip. I have taken and posted photos for 365 days straight without missing one.

On this occasion, I'd like to take a moment to thank the folks at Blipcentral who have given us the opportunity to post and share our photos; my friend OwlLady who talked me into joining Blip; the regular visitors to my page whose comments have provided such enjoyment for me; the Blipsters whose photos have inspired me; all of those who have provided encouragement to support my photographic efforts.

Thank you all.

And on this, my Blipday, here is my wish for you:

May you be surrounded by beauty.
May you have eyes to see and appreciate it.
May you have your camera with you, and may it feel good in your hands.
May you have plenty of batteries and memory, and time enough to take some pictures.
May you take so many beautiful photos that the hardest choice is picking just ONE.
And above all of this, may you have the gift of good light.

Keep on blipping! :-)

- GirlWithACamera

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