
By Bradders

A man and his bag

Had some interest in my CV this morning so fired of some emails before breakfast. I had a fair bit to do because by 11am Hostel Yoga I hadn't had time to eat, so that was pre-breakfast too. Morning is the best time to work in the hostel because the WiFi actually works.

After yoga I grabbed some food, made lunch, and headed out. Went to the Post office in the city to grab mail, then to the DoT DVS to get my WA driver's license! The actual card should come in a few days. Now I've done about all I can do to get a job here... Let's see if anything else comes up.

After that I went over to Rockface to climb with the UWAODC. Good few hours there finishing at 2015, getting back to the hostel for 2100.

Filipe had made me food, so we ate and hung out for a bit.

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