My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Dentist Day

L had her six monthly check up at the dentist today. She’s all fine and clean and the movement that the dummy was starting to create is reversing now that the dummy is gone (Father Christmas took them all away on Christmas Eve). She has a slight cross-bite on her left side which will need monitoring. If her adult teeth develop the same issue when they come through she will need braces when she’s older.

After the dentist we collected some more prescription food from the vet for Mrs Rossi-cat - who is thriving again, by the way, hooray! We popped in for a quick cuppa with my parents and then headed off to swimming. What a busy morning. This afternoon and evening have been very lazy to compensate!

N has gone away on a school residential for a few days. I’m not a fan of locking up the house with just me and L (and the cats) in it at night... seems a bit empty, even though it doesn’t sound it.

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