A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Old School Mechanics & Poly Tunnels

At 6:30am this morning I was down the allotment retrieving my polytunnel from someone else's plot. My extra shows where it ended up, how it ended up and after 50mins of dismantling further how it looks now. Will need to rethink my plans, some of the frame is broken.

Later I took my daughter's car to have its annual test (MOT). This local MOT centre has been the same since the 60's. The owner sits to one side on a tatty office chair smoking continuously whilst the mechanic works all the modern testing equipment. Other mechanics pass by now and then, reporting work done or asking for advice before disappearing to another outbuilding somewhere. I guess his chain smoking habit is a way of only having to use one match a day. The car passed, my daughter is happy.

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