A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

A New York minute

That trip seems to have flown by. In about 15 or 9 hours (I think) depending on how you are counting I shall be back home in London town and this week will seem like a slightly odd but pleasant dream. My new watch will remind me of the NY minutes and count the London ones until I can go again. I really do love that place. Very almost as much as London which I think just has it by a whisker. Having loved my three/four days in the USA I am finding the English voices in the airport strangely comforting. Being an alien oddity is fun but it's nice to blend too.

Today has been full in a very different way from the other two. Another early start as my body hasn't bothered to adjust at all which I'm hoping will make the reverse (non) adjustment smoother. Minimal amount of work and then maximum amounts of walking the streets of Manhattan on a slightly chilly but beautifully bright sunny day. Soaking it all in and bits of shopping. Covered a lot of ground including making it down to Battery Park to get the Anna requested picture of the Statue of Liberty. Then up to the village to meet a lovely Brooklyn friend for a fine Vietnamese lunch before more shopping at the Union Square market. Made it back to the hotel to collect my bags and get a car for the airport just as everyone else was settling into the lobby for cocktails. The wrong time to leave a hotel.

Now fed at the airport so I can hopefully sleep the full duration of the flight. I reckon I have probably walked somewhere around 6 miles today so with that and the early start I am confident of dropping off no problem.

See you on the other side of the pond
Lesley x

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