
By Wildwood

Ozzie and Rudy Take in the Sun

While we were partying in Berkeley, Ozzie was cementing his friendship with Rudy. Apparently Rudy was occupying the perfect spot on the deck in the sun and Ozzie decided to occupy it also...I think he's feeling quite at home with Dana and her family.

When we arrived last night for dinner with our across-the-street neighbors, there was a chilled bottle of champagne awaiting us. The story of how it got there is interesting. About a year and a half ago our neighbors to the north, who moved onto Magnolia St the same time we did, sold their house to a young couple and moved to a retirement home in Oakland. A couple of months after the new couple, Wei and Denis, moved in, we invited them to have dinner with us. During the ensuing months we often commented on the fact that this nice couple were practically invisible, especially Wei, who we knew went home frequently to visit her family in China. The rest is best described by Denis as written in the "memory book" we were given at the party.

A couple of months after we had moved in, Jennie and John invited us to dinner. They prepared a sophisticated meal and Jennie hand peeled some apples like a loving and caring Italian nonna as John shared some of his favorite winemakers. We wanted to invite them to our house and bought a bottle of champagne as they would be our first house guests ever. Alas, time flew too fast, with all the burdens of new home ownership in Berkeley, and Jennie and John are already leaving!

We hope Jennie and John will enjoy life in their new home and may they share fond memories tonight with their Magnolia neighbors while drinking some champagne.
-Wei and Denis

We immediately opened the champagne and shared it with our hosts. Wei and Denis didn't come to the party.

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