Museum Monday...OR...David, Robert, and Linda

Usually, when we have visitors in Florida...I drag them down to the Ringling Art Museum on Monday (Monday is the free day.) Plus, I make them get there early to get a good parking spot. Today, it was Robert and Linda, our dear friends from back home. They were both well-behaved, but I think Linda did get the stink-eye from a guard for using her pointer finger a little too close to a painting.

Just like past Photo-shop attempts, I think I got Linda's head a bit large for the picture I put her in. (I'm going to tell her it is the picture taker's  discretion...artistic license)

I wanted them  down with Romulus and Remus,
to suckle the wolf Etruscan.
But they were afraid they couldn't get up...
but I yelled..."YOU CAN! YOU CAN!"

They didn't.

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