
By RaceyTrace333

Two days of travelling

Yesterday I travelled up to Leamington Spa and then across to Telford.

The2 coldest days since bbeing back from US. Fortunately I missed the delays on M6 due to lorry on fire. Although I was freezing in my hotel room. There was no heat on when I arrived. and it did not warm up. Even too cold to have s bath!

Today it did not even get above -4 until I got back into Suffolk. I am still trying to thaw out. Full of cold and sinuses hurting.

Today on the way home I got stuck on A14 north of Hunting with this lorry fire. Lets hope Santa not using City Link for his deliveries, as if he is there will be some sorry people. Then another accident 4 junction down. Nightmare journey home.

Now off to bed to warm up. Hope you are all staying safe.

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