Capital adventures

By marchmont

12 sleeps

Last night was very good. It was slightly odd being in such a 'Morningside ' gathering, even if we were in a Brewery, but James Naughtie and his wife were entertaining and interesting. I didn't buy the books though - but I did make a useful contact.

After I got home it crossed my mind I'd ordered the taxi for 7.15, not 6.15. No, I couldn't, wouldn't do that. So there I am, up at 5.40, standing on the pavement at 6.20 being dusted in snow, and no taxi. Luckily my friendly singing colleague, turned taxi driver leapt out of bed and got me to the airport in time to have another run-in with airport security. Note to self - STOP being such a grumpy old woman. (I felt sorry for the young Chinese girl who hadn't known she had to have liquids in that resealable plastic bag, nor that she couldn't take 75 ml of liquids on the plane because they were in a 150ml bottle. This is mad, this whole 'liquids on planes' things is the Emperor's New Clothes and should be stopped.)

Freezing in London but we were toasty inside. Two meetings with a quick lunch in between. There was a plan to have a Christmas drink after but that came down to three of us going for coffee and cake at Spitalfields. I bought two pairs of gloves, funky ones.

Now I'm at my usual hotel but in the rush to get packed last night I forgot to pack the ear plugs and it's Christmas party season. To be honest I doubt ear plugs would make that much difference. But no early morning tomorrow.

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