All Go & A Mad Cat

Out with the dogs early enough to beat the forecast weather and to allow me to attend a "Pocklington Canal Amenity Society"  meeting at the canal head visitor hut ( calling it a "centre" would be far to grand), regarding manning said portal to spread the word! 
A quick dash home for a bite to eat and then back to the Canal to lead the monthly walk. Had two lovely couples as customers this time and despite the light rain that accompanied us they all said  they had had a most enjoyable time.
Back home to rest my feet ( step target smashed ) then prep Sunday roast. It was quite windy by this time and when Athos came in he had "mad eyes" and spent much of the evening flying around the house randomly attacking or hiding under things! Had several attempts to capture said antics but this was the best I could do!
Have started to catch up on some journals sorry if I haven't got to yours yet :(

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