Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Old Mother Hubbard

....the cupboard was bare.
My Cupboard was fixed back on to the wall today and I am assured that this time it won't crash land.
There was not much crockery remaining to put back in, I've never seen it look so bare.

By pure fluke yesterday I missed sending out cards that would never have arrived and I never would have known.
When I went to the post office with a pile of cards stamped and ready to post and a smaller pile to buy Europe stamps for, I decided to go in and buy the stamps first because the queues are always busy at this time of year. At the counter I was told that one of the cards was too small and couldn't be sent.
Blow me down with a feather, I often used to make small cards to send and never, ever knew there was a minimum postage size. So, if there hadn't been that one small one going to Europe along with the larger ones then I would have innocently posted all the others, and with no return address whatsoever I would never have known of the non-destination.

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