
Trip to the tropical fish shop this morning and saw this on the way in, handy eh?

Received some devastating news from the Elephant orphanage that 9 year old Selengai one of the orphans released into the wild has been murdered by poachers.

Ivory is highly desirable in China, Japan and Thailand, used for highly elaborate decorative ornaments down to small keepsakes. The legal ivory was sold to the Chinese government at auction for $175 (£112) a kilogram, and entered the market at $1,700 a kilogram, but current market prices for ivory in China range from $750-$7000 a kilogram depending on the quality. African tusks are bigger and attain a higher price than those of Asian elephants. With an increasingly affluent and growing middle class more than willing to pay for ivory, demand has never been stronger.

Source: The Guardian

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