Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Perfect Day

My mission today, having satisfied myself last weekend with the completion of my soft furnishings, was to begin the construction of sturdy screens with which to fill the apertures of my sash windows during clement weather when I would like to enjoy the benefits of fresh air without the ingress of evicted pigeons or random insects.

I went to Wickes, which is both very handy and very helpful. They had in stock appropriate timber, but none of the other materials I needed.
This wall is along my preferred route to Wickes (and also the local railway station). I think there is no need to explain why I prefer to walk, and leave the bicycle at home. It is just across the street from this.

Mosquito netting proved difficult to source locally. In my former life, I could simply have walked into George's hardware store and walked out with suitable metreage of the right stuff on the spot, but here it is not so easy. A quick internet search found me just what I needed, in Holland, best to order it immediately then! Shipping costs exceeded the value of the product so I looked again, but a British supplier would have cost more, so I have spent valuable Euros sourcing exactly what I need at a reasonable price in a reasonable time-frame, from Europe.

I began assembling the timber parts of the project and it took almost no time at all to concede the fact that the drill and screwdriver bits, which had come as part of the full package of my £9.99 Winnie-the-Pooh battery drill set, were not up to the job. Surprise!
Another trip to Wickes to discover that they are in process of a stock-take and all those fiddly little things are temporarily unavailable until Tuesday.
So I Googled the nearest branch of Screwfix, got a bus, went there, found ToolStation right next door, loads nicer, bought most of the bits and bobs I needed, but not all.
Walking back to the bus stop I found B&Q, God Bless them! They had in stock everything else that I needed that the “specialist” stores hadn't.

Feeling adventurous I got on the first bus that came along, rather than waiting another three minutes for one with a familiar number. The one I boarded was going to Chatham Bus station, yes, but something of a roundabout route. We went in and out of the hospital (which has an Accident and Emergency Dept) Past the Royal Engineers Museum (rather more tanks than I had expected) In and out of Mid Kent College Gillingham Campus (Modern and a bit Arty) Right through the University of Greenwich campus (They do have a bit of a thing about acquiring really large, beautiful and striking historic buildings) up Dock Road past the sad plaque, and finally, Chatham Bus Station.

Back at home, I am thrilled to discover that professional quality drill and screwdriver bits make all the difference in the performance of the Winnie-the-Pooh power tool – it really is a handy little piece of kit!

And later, settling into marking, drilling and screwing, I put the radio on and enjoyed a lovely piece on BBC Radio 4 about Lou Reed. Do listen if it's available where you are!

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