With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Life on the edge

Little Agu, clinging to the edge of the sofa, whilst watching one of those crazy french women climbers. This is after learning how to make a precision auger. The telly is full of wonderful programmes and the internet proved equally valuable this afternoon. As a sort of wind down end of term session, H and I investigated a variety of TED talks, including the brilliant Ben Goldacre. He left us feeling bereft at the lack of truth that drug companies supply doctors with. The missing data of drug trials, the dangers of some and even the benefits of others that have been lost or hidden. We chased up Thalidomide and its current use in treating leprosy and cancers. Fascinating.

After school club for JH left my mouth watering as he put favourite Dutch recipes on his developing blog. Herrings. Mmm. So I took the chance to go to one of the big supermarkets and got some salmon for tea. God I hate those shops, they give me such a headache with their lighting. I was a bit late and the boys were waiting patiently for me outside the house. Fire lit, washing sorted, bins etc. and cooking....The salmon disappeared as quickly as I put it on their plate and so did my headache. Good brain food. I hope their generation don't get as duped as we have been.

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