Hero and Baby Dino

Hero and Baby Dino had their last practise together on Danish ground - next time we train, we should have English soil under our feet. 

We started early with a walk at 8 am. 

I then spend some hours packing and basically just being restless. 

I had booked the big training hall in Stestrup today as it has the same surface as the Arena at Crufts. Hero warmed up for about 30 mins, we then sat down and waited for 5 mins (like we would in a competition) and then we performed the full routine with no breaks or rewards. And we did it! We had good timing with the music and there were no really mistakes, I will be thrilled, if we can do it like that in the Crufts ring!
Hero had a huge reward - lots of play and treats. 

Gollum did some send-aways and some distance work in the remaining time and Biscuit got to train a bit in the parking area outside the hall. It costs £20 to rent the hall for an hour, so I only booked 1 hour and Biscuit don't mind if he is working on Crufts-like surface or on any other surface as long as he get to feel included. 

We came home and I emptied the car for stuff that I don't need at Crufts. And replaced it with crates and other stuff that I do need. I will finish my packing tomorrow, but I have made a good start. 

I have also checked all my props and made sure they are ok before our big Main Arena performance on Saturday. 

The count down is on: departure in 36 hours. 

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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