Growing Old

The indignity of growing old.The above was this afternoons job.Helen dropped me at the hospital and luckily they provided me with a map to help find the department.
Introduced to the nurse who talked me through the procedure she would be doing.I got my gown on and followed her into the room for the examination.Imagine my surprise at having a room full of staff a bed and wide screen TV.
Still the whole thing only lasted about ten minutes and without doubt the best thing I have seen on TV for a long time.Happy all was clear.Interestingly this procedure is going to be phased out of the MOT over the next few years to be replaced by another procedure that will start at age 50.
I have to admit I was not looking forward to this and Helen thought I was being very squeamish.

Waiting for Helen to pick me up at the main entrance I couldn't believe the amount of patients stood outside for a smoke.

Three deliveries out this morning.Still very busy.

A lot of blipping to catch up on.

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