My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

The Elf Service

Believe it or not she voluntarily put this hat on today!
Worryingly it -and the ears- actually suits her.
Lesley's a star and keeps us all entertained, whether we like it or not...

We had Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt visiting the hospital today. The security was pretty tight too. I suppose to stop people asking him about budget cuts, lack of staff, pay freezes/cuts, and the seemingly constant vilification of the hospital.
I fully appreciate that some of the scandals surrounding care, in A&E in particular, are horrific and had to be remedied. But surely it's time for people to start supporting their local hospital and the good work being done there by hard working staff put under constant pressure by managers and Government policy,instead of calling for a ridiculously expensive public inquiry to point a finger of blame.
Unless people just like being on tv.

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