Lots and lots and lots of adventures

Yesterday I didn't get to bed until after midnight. I'm not even 4 months old yet and I had such a busy, busy, day. I can understand that my very lovely owner, Ann, wants to introduce me to lots and lots of new experiences while I'm still young. But seriously???....................... I'm only little. I still need lots of sleep time. Yesterday I played in Kays garden for more than an hour and then I got taken to the Burdiehouse Primary School Reunion last night. #Itsveryverytiringbeingapuppy.

This morning when Ann woke me up at 8.15am I was very reluctant to get up?!

The plan was to walk the 4 miles to Laura's house to pick up our car which Ann had left last night due to drinking copious quantities of alcohol. I was going to go in my stroller and have little bursts of walks along the way. But do you know what?........................ I was soooo tired I could hardly manage to walk round our car park first thing.

Ann said, 'Trixie, I think I've been exerting you too much. I think you can just have a slob about day today'. So that is what I have done!

Anyway Ann had to go and get the car by herself and just before she left, the postie arrived with guess what???................... Her OAP bus pass. Yay! Ann has been desperate to get this for the last few years but was worried that the age limit was going to be lifted from 60 to who knows what age?!!!

You wouldn't believe how happy Ann is to have an OAP bus pass. There's not many advantages to getting old but this is certainly one of them. You cannot even begin to imagine the number of adventures that me & Ann are going to have together. We can tour all over Scotland together, we can walk all the coastal routes, we can walk the West Highland Way, we can go and visit our friend in Aberdeen, we can be like Thelma & Louise. Can we? – I don't think they had a dog!!

Years ago there was a saying................................. Life begins at 40.

Time moves on.....................................

….......................So here's another 'saying'............................. 'Life is not a dress rehearsal'. And Ann is really looking forward to being 'Sensational at 60'. With me by her side. Obviously!!!

PS – Ann isn't actually 60 until the 14th March but guess what? Her OAP bus pass worked today.

PPS – Ann signed up with a doctors surgery on 13 Feb and has already had a bowel screening test sent to her and a letter inviting her to make an appointment for a mammogram. #scottishnhsatitsbest #amazing

PPPS – Absolutely love Cornwall (check back on our Blips to follow the thread here if you're new to Blip) but at the end of the day Ann was brought up in a city (ie Edinburgh). And after spending more than 20 years in a rural environment, she's returned to her roots. #YoucantakethegirloutofEdinburghbutyoucanttakeEdinburghoutofthegirl #lookingforwardtolotsofEdinburghadventures

PPPPS - #thingscanonlygetbetter  #onwardsandupwards 

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