
By Doyley22


Sophia, mum and dad were here for a couple of hours this afternoon.
Mum is making a quilt for Sophia's first birthday, five months away, with my guidance.  Phew.  Pressure.  Anyhow, we are progressing well.
When all returned to normal, whatever that might be, I needed a blip.
MrD, want to come with me to South Mole?  It was blowing so much sea spray was coming over the car, how silly is that!!  It was cold enough to wear a woolly - now that's silly.
Eventually some sense returned and we drove to the wharf to find everyone who wanted to fish was there.  Herring was on the menu.
That isn't so silly......really.   I thought I would enter the blip into the challenge and thank admirer for her hosting.

Thank you for calling by yesterday's flower - much appreciated.

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