Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

Morning walk

I like Thursday mornings.....I dont have to be at work until a bit later and I have time to take Diesel for a good walk before I go. It is a nice way to start the day :-) I was out at 9am and it was still so dark that I had to use a high ISO to get the exposure right - oh I look forward to lighter days!

It has been a lovely day - things going on at work but at a reasonable pace and this afternoon I made soup with the student council - we are making a Christmas lunch for students and teachers tomorrow. Last year we made rice porridge and we burnt it horribly! This year we are going with soup and it tastes great. I might be able to redeem myself :-) It is so nice working with students outside of the classroom - I get to talk to them about other things and to hear about the things they like to do - nice :-)

Now home with the boys - D has a friend over and E and I are going to decorate the cookies we made yesterday.

I hope you all have had a good day - enjoy your eve!

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