Gitama's World

By Gitama

Lilah with the Beetster ......Some Thinking

....and some very Nefarious things on You Tube.

I did not go to the beach has been raining...gosh the blessed rain....and it’s cool and YES........we have made it through to Autumn.....that isn’t to say that we won’t get some more hot days ......but boy it’s such a lovely temp.....just enough to put a little wrap around ones shoulders and snuggle under the blankets for another 30mins kip in the morning.

As many of you ....I tend to take so many photos when I crack out the camera and as I have been going back through my archives for my p/shop course there are so many pics that I really like but are not used .....I had already chosen my pic for the day...for blip. With this course I am doing there is a photography site that one can upload photos to (not as fabulous as Blip of course) and it’s been great to use some of those that have just been lying fallow that I haven’t known what to do with.
This is one of them. So with everything that is going on at the moment and my need to continue my Blip blog as well as everything else I will (well I already am) going to post these images now and then and not feel guilty about it...and especially not stress about it either (as I have been want to do).

Now to the nefarious you tube stuff. I am so upset about it that I just have to mention it....I feel a bit like crying as I write this. Embedded in children’s you tube Peppa Pig being one of them......a guy comes on telling kids how to slit their wrists.....’sideways for attention up and down to mean it so just go and do it’.........or ‘get up in the middle of the night and put the oven on’....’and if you don’t do these things or you tell your parents about it all your family will die’

IT’S JUST can someone do that?.....
There is so much kindness and beauty in the world and then there is this......ergo Flynn is banned from watching you tube now.
What else to say? I guess there is nothing else to do but look after our little ones and try to protect them from this as much as possible......I think it’s the teenagers I get mostly worried about.

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