
By atoll

Heart of Oak

Today was the first time I had even heard of Mottram St Andrews let alone visit it. I was quite taken with it's quaint Cheshire rural setting, just on the edge of, er well, Alderley Edge. I was late for my meeting and lost, but just had to stop and snap this rather lovely circular oak tree seat on the tiny village green off Oak Road. It must be a newish addition, as Google Streetview just shows a traditional old one. If I have one criticism, it is that there doesn't seem much room for growth.

Not surprising I liked the place though, since it is most famous as being in the prime Manchester footballer home's belt. Dream on.

Perhaps most infamous of these Mottram St Andrew residents is City bad boy Super Mario Balotelli, who in 2011 managed to set fire to his own house on this same road, when firing off a firework rocket through his bathroom window at 1 o'clock in the morning. Like you do.

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