
I’ve decided that this week’s spinning class will have to be my last as it sets off my RSI, resulting in several days of neck ache/headache/jaw ache (I could say face ache..). I think the only exercise I can do now that doesn’t set it off is walking, so that’s the way to go then.

Anyway, I was sitting at my computer this morning, trying to ignore my aches and pains and get in with my radiocarbon dating stuff, when the estate agent asked if someone could come and view the house two hours later. So I got the house ship shape and headed out to the common with the dogs. We saw their friends Herb and Gwen, two fox terriers, and Basil’s tail nearly wagged off.

Later on I had to pop into the village for a couple of things and happened upon this wonderful paperweight in the charity shop. £3 well spent, I reckon!

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