Jacqui's World

By HappyJacqui

Ted the Fifth Angel!

After swimming this morning, making corned beef ash for tea we went visiting a friend then met up with another friend at Boundary Mill Colne for another lunch. The dress I bought from Sainsbury's three weeks ago will be a tight fit for Christmas day with all these lunches I am having.

Glad that it is not 25 years ago though when I was working with the Mayor. The Mayor had what we called old peoples tea's. Then the Mayor and Mayoress (and me) had 23 ham salad tea's around the Borough of Pendle. We had ham salad, trifle and Christmas cake every day for three weeks and there was a two hour show as well, all free!

Now there are only three lunches with a hot Christmas dinner and a show at the Muni in Colne and the over 60's pay £8-50p.

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