Engrossed . . .

. . . in the second leg of the Barcelona v. Real Madrid football match in the Copa Del Rey in Madrid. It's 1-1 after the first leg, from which Madrid hold an away goal advantage. There are screens on opposing walls so most people can follow if they are interested. We got the last table . . . came to eat rather than watch but I do have line of vision (after moving our table) so the odd sneaky peak will follow!

In other news, had a great session held remotely on Zoom with participants joining from Iceland, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, Saudi Arabia and India. We built on the rich introductions and connections made last time to deal with the current business challenge of one of them - each has their turn, a month apart. It was great . . . I fought hard for the use of Zoom rather than the business school in-house system which is lacking in functionality and usability. The tech connection went like clock work today but the human connection was even better and deeper....in the round up at the end, I asked everyone to describe how they were feeling in one word . . . humbled, grateful, privileged, energised, inspired came out. One added a few more, 'I don't have a space anywhere in my life where we can with trusted fellows powerfully explore and help each other grow personally and professionally.' Job done . . . this circle is rolling . . . and it would have all been a disaster if we'd went with a clunky system that no-one could work!

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