The first cut... the deepest.
However, not in this case Mr Stevens!
First time mowing my brand new lawn today with my brand new mower. What a day! Will I ever get over the excitement? I think I need a lie down.
The lawn's been down since late October and has taken well. I didn't cut too much off, just enough to tidy it up. There's more round the front and that has had a similar treatment. The wildlife garden design project is in the planning stages and I have enlisted help from a friend who has qualifications in such things. As you can see I have a blank, if modest, canvas to start from.
In other exciting news, see what arrived in the post (extra photo). What's the betting that the 'terms and conditions' applied to the free bus pass exclude me from one? Never mind, as I should hope that doing what I do for a living I should choose how I move. The car hasn't moved since Friday, so that's not too bad.
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