One Confused Senior Citizen

I am possible losing my mind.
Yesterday I removed my bike from under its winter cover, perhaps a bit precipitously given the weather forecast for the next week, and thought to give it a spin round the environs to see what shape it was in.

I looked for my bike helmet which usually sits in the airing cupboard with the central heating boiler, but I had removed it to accommodate the work of installing the new boiler, but where to, that was the question. I had no memory and with no success in finding it I went to bed hoping I would remember where to look this morning.

There was still no sign of it this morning and with so much ‘stuff’ being sent to charity shops, I came to the conclusion it must have gone by mistake. And so I walked up to the nearest bike shop and bought a new flashy red one at considerable expense and brought it home, only to discover I had left my banker’s card in the shop.
I decided that after I had met a friend of HL’s for coffee I would cycle back to the shop and reclaim my card in the afternoon.

After lunch I looked for my cycling jacket and what do you know, it couldn’t be found either. High and low I looked but still no result. By this time I was wondering if I was going daft, but with one last pull out of a neatly folded pile of jerseys what did I find but my upturned cycling helmet with the jacket folded inside hidden behind the pile, and totally out of sight.

No lady needs 2 cycling helmets even if one of them is a snazzy red, so back to the shop I trundled with the new helmet, having to walk because I couldn’t accommodate the helmet box on my bike. I got my card and my money back.

There’s not been a lot of time to sit in the sun today.

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