A frustrating day...

...I wasn't able last week to get all my prescription medicines. They were out of stock. I tried again yesterday, but was told by the regular pharmacist that there was nothing in stock anywhere for what I needed.

But I was told to go to a different pharmacy this afternoon which was a bit of a distance from me.

This I did, but the traffic was at a standstill, gridlock every which way.

When I got to the different pharmacy there was only one of the medicines they could fulfil. There were no supplies of the other one.

I came home absolutely shattered. I have no energy left.

I managed to search online and have ordered the one they had no supplies of. I will pay for them myself for the minute. They will come tomorrow. I need them.

In a couple of days or next Monday I will chase the owing prescription up. But I have no patience or energy at the moment. I need a rest.

Sorry I haven't looked in to your pages or replied to comments. I am going to bed now, 6pm, because I have no patience or energy left for today, but I will probably wake up in the early hours and peek in then.

There is a Blackbird in the garden very cross besides my potting shed door. He is scolding away at the very top of his voice. I need to take my cochlear processor off. He is doing my head in...

Take care x

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