But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


I was hoping to finish moving all of the bee related stuff today, but ran out of time. The plastic storage box, about 6 feet long by 2 feet height and depth, had the potential for being awkward but, by strapping it to a sack barrow it turned out ok. I also cleared out all of the accumulated rubbish; torn gloves, old newspapers (yes, they’re bee keeping equipment – the subject of a future Blip – perhaps) and other accumulated dross. It was all straightforward but provided me with a good physical work-out.
Towards dusk, I hunted around for a snowdrop Blip; this isolated clump fitted the bill requiring a minimum of gardening, though I do find it difficult to produce uncluttered pictures of them. I’m suddenly aware that a busy week has left me a week behind with my postings; by the time I’ve caught up, there will be a few more holes in the journal.

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